Activity Groups
The August walk from The Wharf at Welford was led by Graham. Leaving the pub the main group headed along the Grand Union Canal (Welford Branch) towpath through the marina to the first lock. Crossing the bridge by the Weir we continued along the towpath and on reaching Mill Farm we crossed the bridge to the other side of the canal. On reaching the junction we crossed the bridge and turning left joined the towpath by the aqueduct. We followed this until we reached bridge No 40 where we had our break. Crossing this bridge we walked uphill until we reached the metalled road (Hall Lane) which we followed back to the village. Turning left into West Street we walked past the school and downhill back to the pub
(Three of our walkers only did the first part of the walk to the junction and retraced the route back to the pub. (Approx. 3.5 mls.))
We are still in need of a volunteer to lead the November walk.
Report and picture from Allen Donkin