To join as a NEW member, please click on the attachment and download the form. All instructions are on the form
Subscriptions for 2024/5 are £20 for full membership. Associate membership (with proof of full membership of another U3A) costs £10
To RENEW your membership FOR 2024/5
1 Renewals due from 1 June 2024 There is no need to complete another membership application form. If you have changed your phone number, address or email, please advise Barry to enable us to keep in touch with you.
2 BANK TRANSFER: Payee: The Countesthorpe U3A. Sort Code: 40-12-35 A/c no: 01402889 It is IMPORTANT that you use your U3A membership number as the reference, FOLLOWED by your name. If you do not know your number, call Barry or June who will be able to help.
3 CHEQUE: payable to "COUNTESTHORPE U3A", to our Membership Secretary, Mr B Hillyard, 35 Station Rd, Countesthorpe, Leicester LE8 5TA. You can also use the U3A's deposit box at the Library/Parish Office.
4 CASH: To our Membership Secretary, Mr B Hillyard, 35 Station Rd, Countesthorpe, Leicester LE8 5TA.
IF YOUR MEMBERSHIP HAS LAPSED, THEN PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEW MEMBERS AS ABOVE. fees are as above. If you are unsure whether your membership lapsed, then please contact Barry on 277 4187.
MEMBERSHIP CARDS will not be issued, as little use is made of them. Proof of membership can be provided on request to Barry, if this is required.
Current Newsletter
Well, here is our current Newsletter - with a report on our Silver Anniversary Open Day in November, and an update on various groups, plus an urgent appeal for help.
Click below to open the current Newsletter, now published in June and December.
Creative Writing
2 pm at Brook Court. Theme: "If only . . ." 50p for refreshments and 50p for room. Details from Mikki on 277 5509
Cryptic Crosswords
2 pm at Ursula's home. New members who are interested would be welcomed, as support is available. Call Ursula on 277 5881.
Friendly group seeks more members. Cards drawn for partners. 2 - 4.30 pm weekly in Methodist Church. £2 inc refreshments. Why not come along?
Foxton Locks. 10.30 am in top car park. Details from Pauline on 277 9338 or 07936 555048
11 am - noon. Village Hall. £1.50 Friendly banter or more serious competition - as you choose!
2 pm in Residents' Lounge, Brook Court. "The People on Platform 5" by Clare Pooley. 50p for room, 50p for refreshments. More Information from Beryl on 277 0405
Italian Conversation
4-5 pm at 24 Waverley Road. £2 (may vary in the future). Come along and enjoy developing your conversation skills within an informal, friendly and varied ability group. Details from David Hebblewhite on 0116 479 0945
Slimming (CHEWS)
Meet from 9 am at Pamela's home. Note change of meeting plan - now first and third Thursdays of the month. No charge. Group size may be limited due to space restrictions. Call Ruth on 277 1533
2.00 - 4.00 pm every Thursday in the Methodist church room, Wigston Street. £3 includes refreshments.
Line Dancing
11.30 am - 12.30 pm in the Village Hall. £3.00 per session. Call Maud on 07941 759856
French Conversation
10-11 am on the first and third Mondays. USUALLY in small Lounge, Village Hall, but essential to check with Dorothy. £2. Varied ability French speakers helping each other to improve, using a variety of means. Details from Dorothy on 07411 163396 or Gill on 0116 284 8171
Fit for Life
11.30 am - 12.30 pm in Village Hall, Countesthorpe. £5 per session. Open to all U3A members - just turn up with suitable shoes and loose clothing. Details from Diana on 277 9142
Friendly group seeks more members. Cards drawn for partners. 2 - 4.30 pm weekly in Methodist Church. £2 inc refreshments. Why not come along?
Jazz Appreciation
Meet between 3 and 5 pm at Malcolm's home, 17 Linden Avenue. Details from Joan on 277 5369.
11 am - noon. Village Hall. £1.50 Friendly banter or more serious competition - as you choose!
Small lounge at VH. 11 am - 12 noon. For details, please contact David Wild on 277 5881.
Walking (CARE)
Leave Village Hall car park at 9.30 am in shared cars. Walk for about 4 or 4.5 miles from The Chandlers Arms, Shearsby. Contacts for this walk are Martin and Lyn on 07483 233400. As the pub is opening especially for us, let's have as good a turnout as we did in January! New walkers are always welcome! General info from Jenny on 277 3396 or Malcolm on 277 2599.
Luncheon Club
12.30 pm at The Red Lion, Huncote. The menu and list will be in the Lounge at meeting. Choices required, or please confirm choices by 21 Feb to Sue Wyllie on 0116 284 9959 or
2.00 - 4.00 pm every Thursday in the Methodist church room, Wigston Street. £3 inc tea/biscuits.
10 am - noon at Brook Court, Countesthorpe - residents' lounge. Topic: "What is Freedom?" Details from David Fagg on 07775 730378 or Janine Tibbles on 07970 648979
Line Dancing
11.30 am - 12.30 pm in the Village Hall. £3.00 per session. Call Maud on 07941 759856
Fit for Life
11.30 am - 12.30 pm in Village Hall, Countesthorpe. £5 per session. Open to all U3A members - just turn up with suitable shoes and loose clothing. Details from Diana on 277 9142
Cryptic Crosswords
2 pm at Ursula's home, 26 Shetland Way, Countesthorpe. New members who are interested would be welcomed, as support is available. Call Ursula on 277 5881.
Bouskell Park, Blaby. 10.30 am in P&D car park. Details from Pauline on 277 9338 or 07936 555048
2-4.30 pm in Residents' Lounge, Brook Court. Call Carol for details on 277 8999
Pitsford Reservoir. Leave Village Hall in shared cars at 9.30 am. Lunch to be arranged. Details from Janet Easey on 277 2544.
Slimming (CHEWS)
Meet from 9 am at Pamela's home. First and third Thursdays of the month. No charge. Group size may be limited due to space restrictions. Call Ruth on 277 1533
Monthly Meeting
Doors open at 1.30 pm, so come along and book your outings and socialise with friends. "Polish Resettlement Camp" (Speaker - Bozena Kuncewicz) before usual refreshments.
French Conversation
10-11 am on the first and third Mondays. USUALLY in small Lounge, Village Hall, but essential to check with Dorothy. £2. Varied ability French speakers helping each other to improve, using a variety of means. Details from Dorothy on 07411 163396 or Gill on 0116 284 8171
Tina (Tina Turner Musical)
At Curve, Leicester. "Tina" - Tina Turner musical. Easy access seats, Row N £65, or rows U and V £55 payable by 9th December 2024. Leave Cosby Nook 5:55, then VH, SQ, Coll, SW, then MC approx 6:15. Book/pay at theatre desk in small lounge or call Janine on 07970 648979 or Gill on 07757 007025
2 - 3.30 pm at Brook Court, Residents' Lounge. Any book by Denzil Meyrick. 50p for room; 50p for refreshments. Details from Beryl on 277 0405. For reading list, see Activity Group page
Lichfield City
A visit to the historic city of Lichfield. Attractions include the magnificent and only three-spired medieval cathedral in the UK, Samuel Johnson's Birthplace and the family home of Erasmus Darwin. Add to this the quaint streets plus a small modern shopping centre and a wide variety of eateries, Lichfield is a most attractive destination. Cost £25. Leave MC at 9.30 am, then SW, Coll, VH and Square by 9.45 am. Arrive back home approx 5.15 pm. Book/pay at Outings table or call June Norris on 0116 277 6330 or 07985 013015
At Market Harborough with free time before the show at 2.30 pm. £35 payable by 11 Feb. Leave Cosby Nook 9.30 am, then MC approx 9.35 am, then SW, Coll, VH and SQ approx 10 am. Return approx 6 pm. Book/pay at theatre desk in small lounge or call Janine on 07970 648979 or Gill on 07757 007025
A visit to the historic city of Oxford. Attractions include a variety of museums, such as the Ashmolean, the Bodleian library, and of course the Colleges. Add to this the historic streets plus a covered market as well as modern shops and a wide variety of eateries, Oxford makes for a good day out. Cost £30. Leave MC at 9.00 am, then SW, Coll, VH and Square by 9.15 am. Arrive back home approx 5.45 pm. Book/pay at Outings table or call June Norris on 0116 277 6330 or 07985 013015 or email
At Curve, Leicester. Easy access tickets Row N £62, or rows V and W £54, payable by 11 March 2025. Leave Cosby Nook 5.55 pm, then VH, SQ, Coll, SW, then MC approx 6.15 pm. Book/pay at theatre desk in small lounge or call Janine on 07970 648979 or Gill on 07757 007025
Thurs - Mon, 19-23 June 2025. Coach holiday to Kent. 4 nights' dinner, bed and breakfast at the Holiday Inn, Rochester-Chatham, inc luggage handling and gratuities. Day out to Chatham Historic Dockyard, day in Caterbury, visit to National Trust Knole, plus another NT property on return journey. From £440 per person.
Deposit of £50 per person to secure your place asap, with balance due by 8 April 2025.
Full details on attached booking form.