Activity Groups
The September walk from The Denbigh Arms at Monks Kirby was led by David and Sue. Leaving the pub, we turned right and followed Main Street to the left then bore right into Brockhurst Lane. After passing the school we turned right at the end of the village and right again. On reaching the gate we entered a large field and in the next field crossed the bridge and went uphill for a short distance then turned right into a track between rose bushes and apple trees.
Across another field we went over a bridge and up some steps to the edge of a large fishing pond. We walked round the far edge of the pond and then continued along the track turning right at the first gate on our right. Here we stopped for our break before continuing into Pailton. Turning right we followed the footpath and on reaching the war memorial kept to the right (Coventry Road). On reaching the end of the village the short walkers took the bridle path on the right by the ex-servicemen's club back to the pub. The remainder crossed the road and took the track through the old farm and across two fields. Turning right through an unusual gate we entered the deer park where we had a large herd for company. On reaching a low shed went through another two similar gates and, on exiting the park through yet another gate, turned right walking parallel to the M6. On reaching some trees (Spion Kop) we went between the trees and followed the track until we reached Coventry Road. Turning left and by the club we followed the bridle path down to Bell Lane and were soon back at the pub for an excellent lunch.
We are still in need of a volunteer for the November walk.
Report and picture by Allen Donkin