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May 2024 walk

May 2024 walk

The May walk from The Bell at Gumley was led by Martin.  Leaving the pub we walked up Main Street and opposite the green telephone box took the bridle path on the left.  (Four of the group continued uphill to follow the road to Laughton.) The remainder followed the track passing 'The Mott' then downhill, eventually crossing a private metaled farm track.  We then followed the field hedge uphill crossing six fields until we reached the road to Laughton.

Crossing the road into another field we followed the track into Laughton where we met the rest of the group.  After a short break near the telephone box on Main Street we set off again together making a short detour to St Luke's Church before re-joining Main Street and then Gumley Road.  We continued along this road passing the War Memorial and cricket pitch and on reaching the last cattle grid turned right.  Following the road down through the village we were soon back at the pub for an excellent lunch.

We are still in need of a volunteer to lead the November walk.

Report and picture by Allen Donkin